Folded Flyers

Flyers remain an integral part of any marketing campaign, particularly those aimed at households. While many of these flyers will be single sheets making a specific product or price offer it is also worth considering folded flyers to allow more information to be included.

When it comes to flyer design, less is definitely more. Cluttered leaflets are never effective. A quick easy read will get looked at more thoroughly than one packed with text. Using the space on your leaflet in a clear and simple manner will pay dividends. This is where folded leaflets can score over single sheets, enabling you to give more detail and more images without crowding the message.

Folded leaflets area available in bi fold, giving four pages for information or, trifold which offers 6 panels to promote different aspects of your business. They each have their merits depending on the use to which the flyer will be put Hengrove printing will be happy to advise on the best style for your campaign.

As with single sheet flyers quality of design, the content, images, paper and print quality used for a folded leaflet are the key factors which determine its effectiveness. Hengrove Printing’s graphic design team and long experience getting printed flyers into the marketplace to work for your business

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