Business Cards

Networking is all about making connections. A business card creates an instant impression of you and your business that a text, Vcard or email will never do. First impressions are important and the favourable reaction that well designed and printed business card gives is out of all proportion to the cost.

The unit cost for a business card is very low, a matter of a few pence, making it worth expending a little effort on the design. A card produced using a template on a domestic printer risks the same template showing up at a networking event.

Many people keep business cards for a long time, in a box or a binder, and having a good quality card that doesn’t get creased when it is pulled from the box will remind them of the quality of your business offer. Many establishments around your community, from business centres to chip shops may allow you to leave business cards that people can take. Considering your target market and the places they frequent when designing and printing your business card will make it an effective marketing tool.

Hengrove Printing offer cost effective design services for business cards. This means you will have a unique card that reflects your business brand and personality, as well as all the information you need to attract your prospective customer. Printing on a range of card stocks means that you can stand out from the crowd.

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