
Flyers are undoubtedly one of the most versatile, effective and affordable of marketing tools. Businesses have been using this form of marketing to promote their products, services and special offers for many years. Even with the increasing popularity of digital marketing, flyers can still help you increase sales.

The Direct Marketing Association produce a report on the effectiveness of a variety of marketing media each year. The consistent message over the last few editions has been that flyers are one of the most effective methods of communicating with households. They say that; “a key finding is that 89% of consumers remember receiving a door drop mailing – more than any other marketing channel. And it has a powerful place in people’s lives, with 45% keeping leaflets on a pinboard or in the kitchen drawer”.

Having a well-designed and printed flyer will make a good enough impression for your flyer to be added to the pinboard and retained for future use. Effective flyers have a carefully targeted design, with a call to action that attracts the desired marketplace. Good print and paper quality make for a favourable first impression and a continuing sense of your business as a professional organisation when it is picked up again sometime later.

Hengrove Printing’s graphic design team have the knowledge and expertise to help you deliver outstanding campaigns using high quality flyers.

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